Byggeprojekt i Puerto de Andratx med byggetilladelse til en moderne villa
870 m2
0 m2
Energicertifikat | Forbrug kWh/m om året | Udledning af CO2 om året |
Detaljerede informationer
Puerto de Andratx is located in the southwest of Mallorca and is the port of the municipality of Andratx. The golf course "Golf de Andratx" is located in Camp de Mar, only 5 minutes away, where the next bigger sandy beach is located. Palma can be reached by motorway in about 20 minutes.
The natural harbour Puerto de Andratx with the sailing club "Club de Vela" is regarded as the most beautiful marina of Mallorca and offers a variety of restaurants, bars, cafés as well as boutiques and supermarkets open all year round. The former fishing village has remained an active fishing port to this day and has been spared from mass tourism due to the lack of large hotels.
The real estate location Port Andratx offers predominantly villas in the upper price segment as well as terraced houses and apartments in Camp de Mar. The apartment complexes in Port Andratx usually offer unique sea and/or harbour views.
Andratx - i den sydvestlige del af Mallorca
Andratx, landsbyen med samme navn som Andratx kommune, ligger i den sydvestlige del af øen Mallorca, ved foden af Tramuntana-bjergene og ca. 5 km inde i landet fra den kendte havn Puerto de Andratx. Den kendte by Camp de Mar med sin golfbane og sandstrand ligger lige ved siden af Port Andratx og er også kun ca. 4 km væk. Med San Telmo i den yderste sydvestlige del af øen byder kommunen på endnu en lille badeby med sandstrand og et par små hoteller.
Opret note
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